
Payo Feature: Meet Celine Bautista, Payo’s Onboarding Specialist!

As the leading E-commerce enabler in the Philippines, Payo’s top priority is to make every merchant’s life easier. A big part of this is ensuring that they feel supported from the get-go. This is why we made improvements to our onboarding process earlier this year. By making the process more efficient and seamless for our merchants, we get their E-commerce journey off to a good start.

Behind this onboarding process is our Onboarding Specialist – Celine Bautista! Get to know the most rewarding parts of her work, as well as her advice for merchants, in this Payo Feature.

Please tell us a little about your journey with Payo. How were your first few months like?

I wasn’t an Onboarding Specialist at first; the position did not exist at the time. I joined Payo as a Client Success Manager and held that position for about a year, although onboarding was actually one of my responsibilities even then. Eventually, it became clear that separating the onboarding process from account management would be more beneficial for us and our merchants. 

Transitioning into the new position was enjoyable because it gave me a more focused role and allowed me to become part of something in its beginning stages. I had quite a bit of freedom and control in implementing the onboarding process, which made my working experience much more engaging.

What made you want to get into E-commerce?

I think getting into E-commerce is an inevitability these days. It’s an important consideration in running a business because everyone and everything has a digital presence. So, whether we want it to or not, it’s going to pull us in. 

The thing about E-commerce that continues to keep me interested is how it constantly grows, and how accessible it has become. Even small businesses can take this avenue to reach much farther than they might have with just a brick-and-mortar store. The same goes for consumers – they now have access to way more options online. E-commerce is an exciting industry to be part of.

What is the most challenging part of the work you do?

Every merchant that signs up with us has their own story. Why are they in this business and what goals do they have in mind? How can we help them achieve those goals? We don’t apply a cookie-cutter strategy in answering those questions because we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

It’s this individualized approach to every new merchant that adds a challenging aspect to my role because it requires so much attention to detail and problem solving. This is a process that begins with our Business Development Managers, is carried forward though the onboarding, and then handed over to the Client Success Manager. Ensuring that it’s done right creates a solid foundation for a successful partnership with our merchants.

How about the most rewarding part?

Easily the most rewarding part of my work is seeing a merchant move up from signing with us to shipping their first few orders. It means we were able to provide what they need and maybe get them one step closer to achieving the goals that they have for their business.

What are some of the things that newly onboarded merchants should remember throughout their E-commerce journey?

The onboarding stage is just the starting line and it is by no means the end-all, be-all of your E-commerce journey or your partnership with Payo. There will always be new things to discover, obstacles to power through, and mistakes to learn from. 

The E-commerce industry is fast expanding and you can’t afford to stand still if you want to stay in it. When in doubt, ask your partners and check in with your fellow merchants. Be open to changes as you grow. Keep moving forward and only look back to see how far you have come.

What’s your favorite thing about working at Payo?

The best thing about working at Payo is that I get to meet and collaborate with people who are passionate about what they do, which makes the working experience fun and fulfilling.

How does your work contribute to making E-commerce simple, which is Payo’s goal?

E-commerce is an industry with many open doors and getting started is quite easy. What isn’t as easy is climbing up or even just staying afloat once you’re in. 

My work, along with Payo as a whole, gives merchants a helping hand when the going gets tough, or the guiding hand they might need if their journey is just beginning. Our services are tools that merchants can use to make their journey a little less daunting, and my role is to show them how to utilize these tools.

What’s one thing you want to achieve with Payo this 2022?

I want to make the onboarding process even more efficient. I want merchants to move more seamlessly from the signing stage to the shipping stage. If they’d need less time to learn the ropes here at Payo, then they would have more time running their business, and have a quicker start to their partnership with us.

Curious about how Payo, an E-commerce enabler in the Philippines, can help your business? Send us a message at, or sign up with us today